types of mutual funds in india
Types of mutual funds in india? There is a different companies who provide different schemes of mutual funds in India, which is categorized on the basis of investment objective, asset class, equities and structure. 1.types of mutual funds based on asset: a.equity funds: Equity funds are invested in equity stock or shares of companies. Depending on the scheme objective,investment could provide a higher result, that’s the reason they are considered as high-risk funds. b.Debt Funds: Debts Funds are invested in the debt securities like government bonds, company debentures, and fixed income assets. As they provide fixed returns, they are known to be a safe investment instrument.Debts securities/funds are subject to lower risk and fully secured beacause goverment bonds/securities are fully secured. c.Money Market Funds: Money Market Funds are invested in liquid instruments, such as Commercial papres, tressury-Bills like goverment tressury bills,commercial papers...